Jerzy Kaczorowski
(b. 18 October 1957, Poznań)
Kaczorowski attended Karol Marcinkowski High School no. 1 in Poznań from 1971, passing the final examination in 1975. From 1975 to 1979 he studied mathematics at Adam Mickiewicz University, and continued there to gain a doctorate in 1983 (supervised by Włodzimierz Staś). He obtained his habilitation degree in 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he held a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 1996 he received the title of professor of mathematics. From 1993 to 1999 he served as deputy dean, and was dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in 2012–2020. His research interests concern analytical and algebraic number theory. He has published approximately 110 research papers, and supervised ten successful doctoral students. He is the recipient of four ministerial prizes (in 1983, 1986, 1988 and 1992), the Wacław Sierpiński Prize of the Polish Mathematical Society (1986), the Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences Section III (1992), a Prime Ministerial Prize (2001), a professorial subsidy from the Foundation for Polish Science (2003), and the Wacław Sierpiński Medal (2012). In 2004 he was elected a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), and became a full member in 2016. Since 2019 he has been a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU). Since 1995 he has been head of the Department of Algebra and Number Theory. He has been vice-chairman of the PAN branch in Poznań since 2019, and chairman of the PAN Mathematics Committee since 2020. He is also editor-in-chief of the journals Acta Arithmetica and Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici.
Roman Murawski
W. Wnuk, “Kaczorowski Jerzy” in: Luminarze nauki Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 1919–2019, ed. Z. Pilarczyk, Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Poznań 2019.
L. Maligranda, W. Wnuk, 100 lat matematyki na uniwersytecie w Poznaniu 1919–2019, Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Poznań 2021, pp. 421–422.