Data wydarzenia:

AMU Invited Lecture Series - prof. Marco Castrillon Lopez

Logo ID-UB połączone z logiem wydziału. Napis: Wykłady ID-UB

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejny wykład z serii Wykładów ID-UB.

Data: wtorek, 4 marca, godz. 12:00

Miejsce: wykład odbędzie się w formie zdalnej
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Identyfikator spotkania: 849 5713 7414
Kod dostępu: 938466

Prelegent: prof. Marco Castrillon Lopez (Uniwersytet Complutense w Madrycie, Hiszpania)

Tytuł: Symmetries in Field Theories: Reduction


Prof. Marco Castrillon Lopez is a full professor at the University of Madrid, Department of Geometry and Topology. Prof. Casrillon obtained his Ph.D.  from the University of Madrid Complutense in 1999. He is a specialist in the field of Differential Geometry and its applications. He also obtained a number of important research results related to the modern geometry and dynamical systems. He is an author or co-author of over 120 scientific publications with many citations. Professor Castrillon is the editor-in-chief of the Revista Matematica Complutense.