Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład z serii Wykładów Akademii Zastosowań Technologii Cyfrowych (AI Tech)
Tytuł: Metric-driven grammars, fractals, and morphogenesis
Prelegent: Przemysław Prusinkiewicz, University of Calgary, Canada
Data: czwartek 23.03, godz. 15:30-17:00
Miejsce: Aula A
Abstrakt: Metric-driven grammars (MDGs) are a procedural method for modeling intricate patterns and three-dimensional forms, in which generative rules are controlled by the metric properties of space rather than time. Their applications range from the synthesis of fractal curves in mathematics and the construction of view-dependent models in computer graphics to mechanistic plant models in computational biology. In addition, the exploration of morphospaces generated by MDGs provides insights into the connections between diverse patterns and forms. The presentation will introduce the concept of metric-driven grammars, illustrate it with examples, and discuss open problems.
Biogram: Przemysław Prusinkiewicz is a Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Calgary, Canada. After winning the XVIII Physics Olympiad (1969) as a student of the Karol Marcinkowski High School in Poznań, he studied and worked at the Technical University of Warsaw, where her obtained his M.Sc. (1974) and Ph.D. (1978) in Computer Science. In Canada since 1982, he was a pioneer of computational methods for modeling, simulation and visualization of plant development. His work in this area was recognized with the Association for Computing Machinery SIGGRAPH Achievement Award (1997) and the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award (2009). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2014) and an honorary member of the Polish Botanical Society (2022).