Data wydarzenia:

Machine learning and optical quantum information

Data: wtorek, 26.09.2023, godz. 11:00-12:00

Prelegent: Karol Bartkiewicz (Wydział Fizyki UAM)

Streszczenie: Classical programming means writing explicit instructions so that a program processes the input data and correctly answers our questions. Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence research that uses implicit programming, where the program does not receive explicit instructions. This method is particularly suitable for problems that are intuitive to humans but difficult to convert to a set of machine instructions. Some complex problems resist known ML methods, especially in quantum systems [1,3]. E.g. designing new drug molecules or supervising quantum communication networks, which under certain assumptions should be protected from eavesdropping by the laws of quantum physics. These tasks quickly become unfeasible as the complexity of the problem increases. Solutions to such problems must be sought using quantum computing for ML [1,2]. This is the original motivation to combine ML and quantum physics [1]. However, there are many other reasons to do so. In particular, ML can be used to motivate theoretical and experimental research in quantum information, quantum state engineering, classification, and detection. To illustrate this, I will discuss a few assorted examples of combining ML and quantum information processing, including [2,4,5,6].

optical quantum information, quantum machine learning, kernel trick, classification, clustering, Hilbert-Schmidt distance, variational quantum circuits, entanglement detection

[1] J. Biamonte, P. Wittek, N. Pancotti, P. Rebentrost, N. Wiebe, S. Lloyd, Nature 549, 195 (2017).
[2] V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 260501 (2019).
[3] G. Carleo et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 045002 (2019).
[4] K. Bartkiewicz, C. Gneiting, A. Černoch, K. Jiráková, K. Lemr, F. Nori, Sci. Rep. 10, 12356 (2020).
[5] J. Jašek, K. Jiráková, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, T. Fürst, K. Lemr, Opt. Express 27, 32454 (2019).
[6] K. Bartkiewicz, P. Tulewicz, J. Roik, K. Lemr, Sci. Rep. 13, 12893 (2023).

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