Data wydarzenia:

AMU Invited Lecture Series - prof. Dikran Dikranjan

Logo ID-UB połączone z logiem wydziału. Napis: Wykłady ID-UB

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejny wykład z serii Wykładów ID-UB.

Data: wtorek, 19 listopada, godz. 12:00

Miejsce: wykład odbędzie się w formie zdalnej
Link do spotkania:
Identyfikator spotkania: 871 0663 0477
Kod dostępu: 835402

Prelegent: prof. Dikran Dikranjan (Uniwersytet w Udinese, Włochy)

Tytuł: Characterized subgroups of the circle group


O prelegencie: Prof. Dikran Dikrajan, is a full professor at the University of Udine in Italy. He got his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Sofia in Bulgaria. Professor Dikrajan is an excellent specialist from Algebraic aspects of Topological Groups, Rings and Modules, Compact groups and their generalizations, Lee groups, Category theory, homological algebra. He wrote also a number of interesting research articles in dynamical systems and ergodic theory. He is an author or coauthor of over 220 research articles with over 2500 citations. Professor Dikrajan was a visiting professor at many universities around the world, including York University, Canada, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, Bar lIan University, Tel Aviv, Israel, and University of Matsuyama, Japan. He presented the results as an invited speaker for many international conferences.

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