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How to measure the noncompactness of operators

Mężczyzna z mikrofonem przy stole

Data: piątek, 22.04.2022, godz. 11:00-11:45

Prelegent: prof. Jürgen Appell (Würzburg University)

Abstrakt: The noncompactness of a linear operator may be measured by its essential norm, of a nonlinear operator by its measure of noncompactness. We illustrate this by means of two linear operators, viz. multiplication and substitution operators, in the space C of continuous functions, and in the space BV of functions of bounded variation. The main emphasis is put on examples and counterexamples. This is joint work with Simon Reinwand (Wurzburg), Laura Angeloni and Gianluca Vinti (Perugia, Italy), and Tomas Dominguez (Sevilla, Spain).

Miejsce: sala A1-33 (RND) oraz MS Teams